MAUA helps men and women find relief from symptoms of hormonal imbalance such as low libido, depression, irritability, hot flashes, weight gain, fatigue, and loss of muscle.
Low testosterone (Low T) levels often set in gradually as men age and many don’t notice the slow changes over time. Many see these symptoms including decreased sex drive and energy levels as a normal manifestation of the aging process. Even though there is no cure for Low T, there are various effective treatments available that can result in significant and visible changes in the quality of life of aging men.
Our experienced doctors have a broad understanding in the diagnosis and treatment of men with low testosterone. After a formal hormonal evaluation, we may recommend testosterone replacement therapy. Testosterone replacement comes in the form of topical gels and patches, injectable agents and even long acting pellets that are placed under the skin known as Testopel®.

Low testosterone manifestations are certainly treatable and can result in improvements in a man’s quality of life and health. At MAUA, our expert doctors in the field of testosterone deficiency and hormone replacement therapy are available for consultation regarding low testosterone at our Maryland and Washington DC locations.
Ready to schedule a consultation?
Call (301) 477-2000 or fill out an Online Appointment Request Form to setup your initial consultation.